Tuesday, July 24, 2007

March Time

A couple of Weeks ago I watched the movie Sign of the Cross. It was different. It's a Cecil B. DeMille film with over the top opulence and it is one those movies that is transitional from silents to talkies so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but true movie buffs, but it sort of woke me up to the actor Fredric March. March had a long career that began towards the end of the Silent era and ended in the early 70's. March won two Tony awards and two Oscars and is one of the few actors that made the transition from leading man to character actor. He just seems to appear in a lot of very good movies. I know I haven't specifically picked any movie for the Library's collection just because he was in it but consider some of the movies he's in that the Library owns on either DVD or VHS:

Hombre: He plays the corrupt Dr. Alex Favor.
Seven Days in May, He plays President Lyman.
Inherit the Wind, He's Matthew Brady
Desperate Hours, He's the Father Dan C Hilliard
Best years of our Lives, He got an Oscar for playing Al Stephenson
A star is born. Norman Maine
Death takes a holiday. He plays Death (Remade as Meet Joe Black)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He played both and got an academy award for it.

Three excellent movies he made which the Library doesn't not own but which I will purchase if and when I can find them on DVD.

I married a Witch (the inspiration for Bewitched)
Executive Suite
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit

Check out this under-appreciated but special Actor.


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