Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Year End Scramble

It's the end of the year and I'm trying to make sure I spend all my budget. I don't want to get in a rush and spend frivolously, that's not very professional, but it's always easy to get caught up in a 'use it or lose it' mentality whenever you are a professional bureaucrat. This is just my first complete budget year in this position so I'm still getting used to how it's done here. One thing that is just nuts is the Arkansas Sales Tax. The Library has to pay sales tax. That means money the people of Rogers voted on for Library materials is being diverted elsewhere. Very strange. Anyway, I had a few hundred bucks left over so this is what I did with it.

Hud, Ox-bow Incident, and Treasure of Sierra Madre. These are three classics that for various reasons have been cancelled or were out of print. I found them and ordered them and hopefully they will actually get here.

Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection, I'm trying this one again. This set includes Cocoanuts, Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers and Duck Soup. I've tried to get this one before and it was cancelled.

Mae West: the Glamour Collection. What can I say? It's hard not to watch her films and not be impressed by how she steals every scene. (Although now I'll have two copies of My Little Chickadee.)

The Forgotten Films of Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle. Fatty Arbuckle was a major silent movie star who was made even more famous by a scandalous murder trial and I wonder whether he would be as famous as he is today without the scandal. Still, I had to get this collection. He was one of the Keystone Cops and I'm hoping some of the Keystone Cops movies will be included in this collection.

Fighting Seabees, In Harm's Way, and Kelly's Heroes. This is a part of a War Movie Collection I've been working on. I've sort of been dribbling them in rather than doing one big buy. At some point I'm goint to have to sit down and see what I've done so far. There's an amazing number of "We don't have that!" on the list.

Robin Williams Live on Broadway, Sinbad Afros and Bellbottoms, and Jeff Foxworthy Totally Committed. Comedy. The music videos seemed to have gone out well so I'm trying stand-up Comedy. I bought a few last year and they go out very well so I'm getting some more.


Blogger PaulaP said...

How about Whoopi back on Broadway. DH and I loved it and laughed so hard for hours. It would be a nice complement to The Robin Williams on Broadway. Paula

8:10 PM  

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